Posts in home
Making Memories (and Treats) for Valentine's Day

Today my husband asked me if I would enjoy the activities and projects I do with our son more without the photographer (often, my husband) capturing a contrived moment. The answer came quickly—if I could have a photographer capturing all of our day-to-day activities that would be IDEAL. This is one of the many reasons Bright Smiling Life (BSL) was born. I was drawn to the idea of creating and documenting moments in our lives.

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A Boo-tiful Birthday Party

This week we celebrated Rory’s fourth birthday. He loves Paw Patrol, and I had every intention to throw a “Paw-fect Party” centered around the cutest pups in town. However, Rory had different plans. The week before his birthday he told he was hoping we could do a “ghost-themed” birthday party. One thing I have learned this year is that change happens and it’s best to just go with it, so we did. With only a week to get ready for the party, there was a lot to do. And in the end, it turned out pretty perfect.

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The Toddler Edition - September

This September has a new twist. Things are different this fall, and I’m slowly learning that it’s okay. Working from home more means we are staying in and using our house to the fullest. Rory, my toddler, is Preschool age. We have been enjoying many new activities together and will be for a while. I have compiled a small list of the things we are currently loving, and I’ve attached links so that you can take a look for yourself.

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life, homeCourtney CholletComment